Spring briefly arrived this week (despite the record temperature drop shortly after). There’s no time like the present to start strategizing how to tackle tasks you let sit all winter, including device maintenance. As you begin spring cleaning around the office or work-from-home space, don’t forget to give your technology a little TLC. The value of dedicating time to refresh and assess your equipment inside and out will pay off down the line, elevating your workflow and productivity.
dust off those devices
No need to recreate viral cleaning hacks! Keep it simple and leave the cleaning products for your workspace surfaces. To remove dust and debris from the nooks and tight spaces in and around your devices, use an Electronic Duster compressed air can. For sanitizing your electronic surfaces, we recommend a microfiber cloth and a dab of isopropyl alcohol to safely clean your computer or phone.
Avoid spraying any products near your electronics to avoid excess moisture accumulating and damaging your computer, monitor, phone, and more.
Don’t be afraid to use that compressed air on your mouse and external keyboard too! To get the additional gunk out, try using a cotton swab or toothpick to gently clean the crevices and seams.
update, upgrade & refresh
Have you been putting off running that software update on your phone or computer? Use spring cleaning as a motivating factor to check this off your “to-dos.” Frequently check your system settings for available operating system updates and run as soon as possible to keep your device and data secure. New updates can strengthen your technical line of defense from breaches. With the right toolset from your MSP, you can deploy mass updates across your business to avoid anyone missing out.
Are you using a workstation with an outdated operating system? Make sure it’s still supported by Microsoft! If not, it’s time for a spring upgrade to your technology.
empty the trash
Whenever a user says they’re running out of space, the first thing we check is the Deleted Items folder, and commonly resolve the issue by deleting 20-40 GB of emails just from there. What you may not realize is your Trash folder only permanently deletes files on a first-in-first-out basis, allowing for old junk emails and content to accumulate and overflow your mailbox.
Checking off this task serves as a good reminder and prompt to double-check what you’re deleting before permanently removing them.
polish your browser
Spring cleaning applies to your browsing data as well. If you missed our Data Privacy Week content, head that way to understand the basics of accepting/rejecting cookies, data mining, breaches, and more. Keeping your browser data collection settings current can help with unwanted data collection and keep you secure.
back up your data
Now that your space is clear to tackle projects left by the wayside, did you go overboard and accidentally trash and delete something you shouldn’t have? Most businesses are under the impression that Microsoft’s basic backup is enough . . . it’s not. After 30 days, deleted emails, files, and data are unrecoverable with their baseline backup. Recover data, files, and accounts at any time for any reason with Microsoft 365 Backup.
No on-premises server? No worries. Office 365 Backup retains your mailbox and SharePoint data in a cloud-based environment separate from Microsoft.
manage your security
Avoid keeping a WORD document or desktop sticky note containing your passwords. Using a password manager (our recommendations are Bitwarden or 1Password) will not only tidy up your workspace and streamline workflow, but it will enable you to avoid an accidental browser breach caused by saving your passwords to Google or staying “Always logged in.”
give away those apps
Like the clothes in your closet, there are probably a few apps on your computer or phone you haven’t used or don’t plan on using again. Create more storage space by identifying with your IT administrator the apps you no longer need and uninstalling them accordingly. Doing so will help your device performance and provide added security by providing one less target for hackers.
Need a mass uninstallation deployment? Contact your Stamm Tech account manager to discuss the best approach.
get organized
Now that you’ve deleted the excess, uninstalled the unnecessary, and backed up the important, setting yourself up for digital success does require some organization. Aid your workflow and your device by prioritizing which shortcuts you actually need and regularly utilize on your Start Menu or Dock. Keep your files in cloud-based storage and maintain them with labeled folders, freeing up disk space by eliminating local copies.