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Shop the sales, but beat the breaches - How <span>E</span>-Waste Recycling Can Protect Your Business

Shop the sales, but beat the breaches - How E-Waste Recycling Can Protect Your Business

As the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals tempt you to upgrade, replace, or invest in new devices for your personal and business use, don’t open the door to a cyberattack by tossing your outdated equipment in the trash.

Generating over 50 million metric tons globally every year, electronic waste (e-waste) is the result of evolving technology as our devices have a shorter life cycle with new models emerging every few months to a year. Responsible electronic recycling (e-cycling) requires thoughtful time and energy but is worth the extra steps to protect your business while making an impact on your community and the environment. 



Tossing devices capable of data storage and/or collection is never a good idea as e-waste poses a large threat to your business. Personal and business data remains on these devices even if they are no longer in use or you “Deleted” or “Trashed” confidential files. Important company data falling into the wrong hands can cause your business a breach. IBM’s 2022 Cost of a Data Breach 2022 Report discovered that the average time to identify a data breach was 207 days with an additional 70 more to contain it. Imagine the cost and extent of managing a breach caused by irresponsible e-waste practices. Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigation Report found that 82% of data breaches involve a human element including errors and misuse.  



The five compromised data types (Verizon) include credentials like usernames and passwords, personal data like addresses and phone numbers, internal data like sales figures, medical data like insurance claim information, and banking data like credit card information. All that data remains inside your laptop, hard drive, cell phone, and other like devices unless properly destroyed by a National Association of Information Destruction-certified recycler. These companies not only securely wipe data, but they disassemble and refurbish usable components of your old device. They are the security experts and last line of defense to clear data you may have missed before your device gets a second life.



Here in Milwaukee, Digital Bridge is our go-to. Digital Bridge is a NAID-certified nonprofit organization dedicated to the responsible recycling of e-waste and IT Assets. Digital Bridge is also Microsoft Registered Refurbisher allowing the organization to expand access to technology across the community to families, students, and other nonprofits.


As you consider the dollar sign savings this holiday shopping season, don’t cost your company a fortune by causing a preventable data breach. Responsibly recycle your old devices.